Resigned, with standard excuses
Are you happier now that you've returned to the cold chill
of feeling a breeze all alone?
Do you see my shadow walking through the past of a memory
you created and do you feel your bones
pushing against the thin sheets where you lay in the dark
without me near you?
And is it ok, does it all feel ok, or better than that
now that you are only with you?
As always the creak of your floor under your bare feet only disturbs
the dust that you are happier not to move aside
Just because I am coming
but I'm not coming anymore
How does the air feel as it goes through your empty mouth?
What does it sound like when it comes back out
Now that it no longer is used to say nice things to me?
We don't always get away from our doubt.
A simple stroll once through the woods hand in hand
the biting flies buzzing around in the heat
and me with a fever and trying to press on
as always, I proved too slow on my feet
Does the best in me bring out the worst in you?
And how could I ever have known?
If I had, I would have made you a shit cake
and maybe then you'd have shown
one simple gesture to show the world around you
that now you know
living on the feces of some past regret or bad choice
will push you back to living on your own
But the wind never dies from my sails and I'm moving
ever onwards on my creaky ship
As you recede into the night skies shores
and I pull away from your slip
I'm a good captain and I keep a good log
full of my boring reflections
How hot the day was, how big the waves were
when we both lost our sense of direction.