Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Prayer To A Soul

Feet, set me on that path my heart imagined in those few moments
of contented, youthful dreams
Let me not waver now nor drift, fight with me against my seeking eyes
that never rest nor focus long

Upon what moments before were attracting my attention
I am too easily distracted by reflected light from the sun on the water
or the sound of a mocking bird outside of my kitchen window
but I ignore the ring of my phone somehow every easily

Whatever may be of divine origin inside of me that struggles
within the many rooms of my busy mind
Let that not be destroyed my soul, nor silenced forever
Lead my feet on the path that will keep my heart open

even though I ignore the phone ringing so easily.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Watching the Old Man At the Retirement Home
The dark brown eyes shimmer under flourescent lights
under heavy black and white brows that grow wildly
Whisp of a voice through gentle, smiling lips
guarded by dimples apparantly etched by a blunt tool.

Was it Time?

Fidgeting posture crossed and uncrossed by heavy arms
A unique dance of intricate, arythmical steps
Indicating truths beyond the reach of casual topics
In that place called the Heart where sleep is unassaulted.